Sunday 19 December 2010

Frustrations of a new doll maker...

Well I started the new doll and was really happy with the legs, and I could see Myrtle in my mind. I knew she was called Myrtle, even though all I had were a pair of cream spotty legs. She was going to be a little old lady - a feisty little old lady.

I had the materials and thought I was away. Then it all went down hill - as often the best laid plans often do!! So I went ahead and made a body for her. I used jersey doll skin fabric this time. Last time I used flesh coloured cotton. Anyway I was fairly happy with the body, and carried on with the arms. The first arm almost complete I realised that the body and arms didn't match in any way. The body is too big and totally the wrong colour for a little old lady. A rethink was called for and I decided that I would remake the body - still not quite there with that yet. While I had been stuffing the arm I had completed I had a nagging feeling that something wasn't quite right somehow. See the photo below and tell me what went wrong - what's my deliberate mistake??
Yep, you guessed it. The hands on upside down!! Now I need to take the whole thing to pieces, turn the hand round, remake the body slightly smaller with different material and I'll be back to where I was a week ago!! With Christmas only a week away and presents to make I think this may have to take a back seat til the festivities are over!!

1 comment:

  1. They do take on a life of their own- no matter what you do! I think you have made a great start as a dollmaker.
