Friday 25 February 2011

Well I finally finished Mr Blue, my first ever teddy bear. He's ended up with a somewhat surprised expression but I love him to bits and am very pleased with the way he's turned out. It's a week for finishing things off I've decided so I've also finally finished the wrap for my first doll Marina, having decided to add some turquoise blue lining to it and I have to say its finished her off well. Now I just need to finish sewing the bag I promised someone for Christmas and I can go back to doll making!! Although I have just bought some curtain material in the sales to make new curtains for the lounge!! Too much material and too many possible projects and never enough time in the day. Tomorrow its doll club and I'm looking forward to seeing all the very talented ladies in the club again. I went last month for the first time and they made me very welcome and we had a great deal of fun making sculpted faces. If you want to see the outcome the club has a blog site called fanciful figures... Now off to put the kettle on before going back to the sewing room. I love it when I get a day off work and can do just what I want....


  1. He looks wonderful. Love the colour of fabric you chose for him. See you in the next meeting.

  2. Love Mr Blue , hope he comes to doll club with you at the end of the month.
