Tuesday 2 November 2010

When things don't go quite the way you expect... And the joy of charity shops

Things on the doll front had a slight hiccup today when one of my manic springer spaniels decided to run away with one of the legs!! I had to chase him round the house to retrieve it, but fortunately he doesn't seem to have done any damage to anything except my nerves and my temper!!! As I had then to go into town to the opticians for new glasses I decided to have a walk around the charity shops - ideal for fabric and odd balls of wool I've discovered. I try to support our local air ambulance shop as it was they who picked me up after my riding accident and took me to hospital, and am on first name terms with the lady that runs it so when I went in and was met with "Ah I've got something you might be interested in" it rather piqued my interest. if anyone has any ideas on how to use about 30 metres of beautiful green/silver slightly shaggy material (see photo above) please send them urgently as I haven't yet had the courage to tell the husband!!! I also have about 2 metres of the same in a darker blue - equally nice but rather more than I really needed. Still looking on the bright side it was a bargain as I only paid £20 for it.

As for charity shops, although I am very happy to support them on the one hand, my sense of morals and ethics suggest that certainly some charities shouldn't need to exist if the government managed services such as the NHS for example in a much more efficient manner so that charities would not need to "bail out" the local hospitals, hospices or cancer related needs. Oh well, soapbox rant over for today - back to the material quandary...

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