Sunday 8 December 2013

A list of things to do....

It's been a long few days. The insomnia had returned, combined with a really irritating night time cough, a hubby who snores and my brain in ovedrive! I was beginning to get bogged down with the thoughts of everything I need to do over the next few days and weeks and was finding it really difficult to turn my brain off when I went to bed, so I have been surviving on 3-5 hours sleep a night. I know that when I get tired I get real cranky and decided I had to do something to try to fix it, although from experience also know that that's not necessarily going to help.

So I thought if I could get a list down on paper of all the stuff going round and round in my head it might help my brain to slow down a bit. The list got longer and longer and  included everything from making soups and meals for the freezer, to sorting out car insurance, taking the dog to the vets, sanding and varnishing the lounge window sill, and all sorts of other things. I then decided to rewrite the list dividing these things over a number of days. It's truly amazing how much I've managed to achieve over the last 4 or 5 days with this list to work on. It's also truly amazing how I've managed to do entirely "jobs" and things that are for other people, whilst at the same time managing to put all those "fun" things for me such as creativity right down to the bottom of the list. Think I need to do a reprioritisation of my list or otherwise I'll never get to do any of the fun things.

On the plus side, I've sanded down and put two coats of varnish on the lounge windowsill, touched up the wallpaper paint around the window, started to prepare a small wall at the bottom of the stair for a new coat of paint (why oh why did I choose white emulsion at the bottom of the stairs!),sorted out my car insurance for my new car which I'm collecting on Friday, sold my old car so am now without transport, made three different lots of soup (Carrot orange and ginger, Cauliflower and Taleggio, and Hunter soup with a dash of chilli) which I've frozen so hubby has them ready for lunches at work, done all the washing and ironing, looked after a poorly dog, walked a well dog, emptied, sorted and cleaned/defrosted both the fridge and freezer, cut hubby's hair, and of course all the usual daily jobs like cooking, cleaning, shopping, washing and ironing! But no, not a sewing or knitting needle, artists paintbrush or pencil has been anywhere near my hands. 

So this week I'm going to menu plan, work out the food finances for the rest of the month, and work out how to increase my exercise, and then watch out creativity here I come......

And anyway, I have a few Christmas presents to finish making, and yesterday my brother, who is getting married on April 12th, asked me if I could just knock up 6 mens waistcoats in patchwork please, oh, and he thinks the bride to be might well want a wedding dress making if she can't find exactly what she's looking for.... Eeeek - how on earth am I going to get that all done!

And tomorrow I'll tell you all about my addiction....

Don't get excited, it's a fabric addiction. I have way way way too much!!

Until next time remember....

If you can't stand the heat, don't tickle the dragon.....

KJ xx


1 comment:

  1. please post the recipes for your soups - they sound delicious!
