Friday 6 December 2013

Simple things...

What simple things make you happy? I've been thinking about this a lot lately, although I'm not really sure why if I'm honest. Maybe it's because Christmas is nearly upon us and these days it seems to be more about greed and consumerism than about family and things that matter. Anyway that brings me to my thoughts for today, a list of some of the simple things that make me smile...

  1. Walking through fallen leaves and kicking them around, the sound is amazing
  2. The first cup of tea in a morning
  3. That half an hour of quiet in a morning when I'm the only one up
  4. The smell of freshly cut grass
  5. The sound of the sea
  6. A hug from someone who loves me
  7. A cuddle from my dog
  8. A baby's smile
  9. Home made lemon curd - well, there had to be food in here somewhere
  10.  Listening to my favourite music
  11. Toast - even better when served with the above mentioned lemon curd
  12. Walking the dogs on a bright, sunny winter morning, all wrapped up against the cold
  13. Enjoying a cup of coffee with a friend
  14. Snowflakes 
  15. The first snowdrops pushing through the earth 
I'm sure this list could go on for ages, but I'm going to stop there. I might revisit it in the spring to see if things have changed or what else has been added. So what simple things make you smile? I've decided to try really hard to notice these simple things when they happen so that I can appreciate them more. Why don't you join me?

KJ x

1 comment:

  1. Great list. The dog walk combined with the leaves and of course the tea and toast would do me. X
